Other excellent benefits for concentration and memory are provided by substances such as N-acetylcysteine , an amino acid valid in situations of oxidative stress and coenzyme. This is why it is often found in memory supplements. Oxidative stress is one of the main causes of brain aging, decay and even fatigue of cognitive functions best nootropics.
Memory and concentration supplements: what to look for
Memory supplements as well as study supplements are designed to promote cognitive processes by increasing the ability to process information. They also often contain substances to reduce the sense of fatigue, just like energy supplements. A healthy diet includes fresh foods, rich in minerals and antioxidants , useful for protecting the body.
We abound with vegetables, fruit rich in vitamins and whole grains.
In general, all medicinal plants have the ability to improve the physiological adaptation of the person and allow you to find a good concentration and a newfound mental freshness. The essential oil of rosemary , basil and mint, perfect for strengthening mental tone and able to increase concentration and attention levels.
Guarana : Amazonian tropical berry, is a portentous tonic against physical and mental fatigue .
Ginkgo biloba helps to regain concentration and mental freshness. Seasonal changes and busy periods at school or at work are typical cases where it can help.
The acai , whose fruit and berries, rich in vitamins, proteins, fatty acids, fibers and minerals help to reduce stress, to regain a balance and mental serenity and to slow down the aging processes of cells.
Rhodiola has an energizing and invigorating effect, and helps the body to endure fatigue by raising the tolerance threshold. It is a good remedy for insomnia , as it shortens the times of falling asleep and improves the quality of sleep.
Ginseng , a real mine of active ingredients, excellent in the fatigue of psychophysical over-menage. Strongly stimulating the nervous system, it gives energy, fights fatigue, and strengthens the ability to concentrate.